Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Tribute to Heroes

Today on 3rd December, 38 years ago, the Indo-pak war of 1971 started after Pakistan's pre-emptive air strikes on several indian air bases.A conflict that was triggered by the massive genocide carried out by Pakistan in erswhile East Pakistan particularly targeting hindus and massacring 3 million people overall. This war got over in less than a fortnight by 16th december after Pakistan faced a humiliating defeat in which it lost half of its navy, a quarter of its airforce and a third of its army. For Pakistan,it was a complete and humiliating defeat in which it lost half of its territory,significant portion of economy and its geo political role in south asia.

Gen. A.A.K Niazi, Commander of Pakistani forces in Bangladesh surrendered to Lt.Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora on 16th dec 1971 and India took about 90,000 prisoners of war which constituted of Pakistani soldiers and their civilian supporters,who were later released in Simla Agreement of 1972.India also gave back more than 13,000 sq.kms. of land it had seized during the war although retaining a few strategic areas like Kargil which later became as focal point for war between the two again in 1999.

Be it the 1971 war or the Kargil War(1999) or recently the Terror Attacks in Mumbai (2008), our soldiers have displayed  amazing acts of bravery and courage to fight off the enemies and emerge victorious.
This Post is a tribute to all our martyrs and our brave soldiers who endanger their own life in order to protect ours...who stay awake so that we can sleep peacefully.

Proud to be an Indian....Jai Hind!!!


  1. really proud of the Indian Defence services........Jai Hind
    This is a nice blog......Keep it up :)

  2. burrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....our Army is the best.....chakkkkkkkkk!!!!

  3. History shows we always have been stronger than our neigbhors ..atleast in direct battle...but I think we shouldnt have been lenient towards them by giving back the areas we captured..which actually encouraged them to try again in 1999
    I wonder when they will stop all this nonsense and spend their time & effort in uplifting their country instead of disrupting our peace.
    If we need to use our force to make them understand it, i believe we should not ignore that option too...
    Hope peace prevails long enough till they to come to their senses

    Jai Hind !!
    Great Post :)

  4. am truly proud to be an Indian....but at the end of the day its the feeling of common brotherhood which needs to be foisted in each one of us first...only then can this menace of terrorism be dealt with and bitternesss esp amongst neghbouring countries can atleast slow down if not completely be wiped out...may god bless all...currently terrorism ,which involves mass killings of innocent people, remains the biggest single challenge to humanity...lets just pray and do watever we can in our own lil way by spreading the word "world peace"...gud job Ruchi...keep it up ...

  5. Jai hind.. good one Ruchi.. RIP all the heros who gave their lives so we could live in peace
